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Les nombreux avantages des jardins communautaires


À Fort Erie, en Ontario, des nouveaux arrivants et des familles à faible revenu trouvent l’espoir et une meilleure qualité de vie dans un lieu inattendu : un jardin communautaire de l’Armée du Salut.

« En cultivant leur jardin, les gens vulnérables trouvent la sécurité alimentaire, l’amitié, un but, un sentiment d’appartenance, et bien d’autres choses », déclare Anne Watters, intervenante aux services communautaires et d’aide à la famille de l’Armée du Salut.

Le jardin communautaire n’est plus seulement un passe-temps ou un lieu où cultiver des aliments sains. Il est devenu un lieu d’enseignement où on apprend de nouvelles compétences comme le compostage et le recyclage, un lieu de rassemblement qui favorise la socialisation et les relations interculturelles, et une source d’aliments qui offre des solutions intéressantes aux personnes dont le budget est serré.

« Notre programme n’est pas étendu », explique Anne Watters en parlant des douze lots de 1,20 m sur 1,80 m. « Cependant, nous changeons des vies. »

Une participante était itinérante « chronique ». Le fait d’avoir son propre petit jardin lui a donné un but : un lieu où aller et quelque chose à faire. Elle est fière de cultiver ses propres légumes et elle partage avec d’autres qui sont dans le besoin.

Un couple originaire d’Haïti vivait en appartement et déplorait de ne pouvoir cultiver un jardin, comme ils en avaient l’habitude auparavant. Au jardin communautaire, ils ont trouvé des amis et un lieu où retrouver leurs racines culturelles.

Des personnes à faible revenu ne se sentent plus prises au piège de la pauvreté et de l’insécurité alimentaire. Le jardin communautaire leur offre des aliments sains et améliore leur santé et leur bien-être.

Le jardin communautaire a favorisé un sentiment de dignité au sein d’un groupe d’aînés. Non seulement ils se sont sentis valorisés en transmettant leurs compétences en jardinage, mais l’activité physique leur a permis de conserver leur force et de maintenir leur autonomie.

« Le jardin communautaire aide les gens à renouer des liens avec leur collectivité, les motive à apporter des changements dans leur vie, et les rend heureux, conclut Anne Watters. Ce qui était auparavant une parcelle de terre infestée de mauvaises herbes procure aujourd’hui beaucoup d’espoir. »

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If you have succeeded in writing your first draft and have some time left, it’s time to proofread your text. Don’t neglect the possibility of reading the term paper once more. Many professors perceive misspellings, as well as punctuation and grammar errors as a personal insult. These mistakes may draw more attention than your original ideas and significant results. So, how can you make your text look better? This page lists some of the stages involved in writing a library-based research paper. 9. Writing: Intro, conclusion, and citationsWrite the final draft. Add a one-paragraph introduction and a one-paragraph conclusion. Usually the thesis statement appears as the last sentence or two of the first, introductory paragraph. Make sure all citations appear in the correct format for the style (MLA, APA) you are using. The conclusion should not simply restate your thesis, but should refer to it. (For more on writing conclusions, see the TIP Sheet « How to Structure an Essay. ») Add a Works Cited (for MLA) or Bibliography (for APA) page.
Sign up for wikiHow’s weekly email newsletter academic writing and APA do not allow for italics to be used simply to emphasize the writer’s tone. Instead, to add specific emphasis, writers must work within the bounds of syntax and sentence formation. They must avoid using italics to emphasize their tone or feelings; this sort of emphasis could lead to bias and informal tone in one’s academic writing. Speaker: Welcome to Emphasis and Specification: Ensuring Readability and Clarity in APA Format. This module will walk you through several specific APA guidelines regarding how to specify and emphasize information in your text. Using tools such as capitalization, italics, abbreviations, and punctuation, you will learn how to set apart significant ideas within your work and draw the reader’s attention to important concepts.


Before asking yourself how to deal with it, you need to define what a reflection paper is. The academic definition says that a reflection paper is a type of writing where students can depict their own position towards a specific question. Actually, there are three types of reflection papers, and it spreads by purpose: Finally, finish a reflection paper with a sentence presenting your action plan: What steps regarding the topic and your knowledge gap will you take in the future? Recurring reflection activities encourage students to think critically about their writing practices and to make sense of and reimagine their experiences for future benefit (see Dyment et. al, 2010 for further discussion).  From this point of view engaging in Research Report was a very beneficial experience for me on a personal level. Specifically, writing the paper of almost ten thousand words in total, including this personal reflection, has made me better prepared to join the full-time workforce once my studies are completed.
Within these categories, who you thank will ultimately be your decision. However, it’s imperative that you pay special attention to the ‘professional’ group. This is because not thanking someone who has played an important role in your studies, whether it be intentional or accidental, will more often than not be seen as a dismissal of their efforts. Not only would this be unfair if they genuinely helped you, but from a certain political aspect, it could also jeopardise any opportunities for future collaborations. The contents usually include the titles or descriptions of the first level headers, such as chapter titles in longer works and often includes a second level titles or section titles within the chapters and occasionally even third level titles or subsections.


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Modern dolls are not just beautiful but endowed with history and characters. They are even produced by the whole series, and for Barbie, they come up with new wardrobes, furniture, and only her fiancé, Kenn, remains faithful and does not leave the blonde beauty. You can play with it for free online, and all Barbie games are stylish games about fashion, design, and profession. This doll loves traveling and dressing up, masters any work with enthusiasm, and invites you on this journey. It is more interesting to learn new things together, and if you keep her company, she will not mind at all. Fashion games let you create stunning styles for various celebrities, characters, influencers, and more. You can customize outfits, tweak hairstyles, finetune facial features, and much more to build beautiful appearances for your favorite people.


Have you ever wanted to play a Barbie-themed action platformer? Then look no further than Barbie and the Three Musketeers, released on Wii, Nintendo DS, and PC. Choose between four playable characters and follow a loose recreation of the Barbie and the Three Musketeers plot across 15 platform levels while fighting off enemies. The game takes a lot of inspiration from older NES platform games, like Castlevania III and Contra. The combat in the game uses fencing mechanics combined with a bit of a martial arts flair. Based on the 2006 animated film The Barbie Diaries, The Barbie Diaries: High School Mystery is an adventure game where Barbie must solve a mystery at her high school. Depending on the version of the game, the premise and gameplay are different.
All these games can be played online for free, without any downloads or installs. You can also explore many more games from a variety of other genres. The strategic aspect of Bloons TD 6 is incredibly satisfying and rewarding. As you progress through each level, there’s loads of different towers & upgrades to choose from. The ability to customize your defenses means that no two games will ever be alike – each level will be unique and full of surprises! It’s this depth that makes the game so much fun – there’s always something new to discover and master as you play through each level. Is this game not working? Any suggestions? Send your comments. Inspired by the Web success of « Million Dollar Homepage, » which sold $1 million worth of advertising at a rate of $1 per pixel, the Harris brothers decided to try making a flash game in early 2006.


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“Because if China allies itself with Russia, there will be a world war, and I do think that China is aware of that,” he added. 03/21/2023 03:09 PM EDT Tetyana Ustich says it has been hard but rewarding moving her baby clothes business from Ukraine. Putin invited Xi to visit Russia during a video conference call the two made in late December. It may « demonstrate to the whole world the strength of the Russian-Chinese ties » and « become the main political event of the year in bilateral relations, » according to Putin. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian military said on Saturday it had killed scores of Russian soldiers and destroyed two ammunition dumps in fighting in the Kherson region, the focus of Kyiv’s counter-offensive in the south and a key link in Moscow’s supply lines. It said more than 100 Russian soldiers and seven tanks had been destroyed in fighting on Friday in the Kherson region, the first major town captured by the Russians following their Feb. 24 invasion.

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